Sunday, September 30, 2012

Macromolecules Web Activity

I learned alot form this activity like how we get cavities. I enjoyed reading the articles!!

Web Activity: Macromolecules in Cells

Open your web browser and navigate to:

Read the introduction to Macromolecules and answer these questions:

  1. What is a macromolecule?
Refers to a class of usually large molecules that are important to biology.

  1. What is a monomer?
is any of several small molecular structures that my be chemically bonded together to form long multi-part polymer molecules.

  1. What is a polymer?
A large molecule made up of similar or identical subunits called monomers

  1. List the four main types of macromolecules.
Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids

In the learning materials box click the link for the activity “making and breaking polymers.” Use this activity to help answer the following questions:

  1. What are the types of reactions that macromolecules are shown to undergo?
Dehydration Synthesis and Hydrolysis Reactions

  1. Describe how monomers are joined together.
Dehydration Synthesis also known as condensation reaction
Condensation reaction

  1. Describe how polymers are broken down.
Hydrolysis reactions

Hydrolysis reaction break down polymers by breaking the covalent bond holding the monomers together

  1. What is the specific name for the bond between simple sugar monomers?
Covalent Bond

  1. Which kind of enzyme joins monomers together?
Polymerase enzyme

Back on the previous macromolecules page, scroll down to the section on carbohydrates. In the learning materials box for carbohydrates click the link to the “build a carbohydrate” activity.

  1. Describe how you had to arrange the sugar monomers in order to build a polysaccharide.
I had to drag 3 more sugar molecules and rotated them til they linked creating a 4-molecule polysaccharide.

  1. Which building blocks of macromolecules are not used in building carbohydrates?
Nucleotide, Fatty Acid, and Amino Acid

Back on the previous carbohydrates page, click on the link on the bottom of the page labeled “More on Carbohydrates.” Read the article and answer these questions:

  1. Why is sugar stored as glycogen in the human body?

It is stored as glycogen so the liver can produce more sugar for the body in case a little amount is taken in or absorbed.

  1. Why are plant foods essential to animal life?
It is essential because they contain carbohydrates witch contain glucose.

  1. Describe how starch is digested by animals.

1st digested by mouth by salivary amylase. Then to the small intestine and digested with pancreatic amylase. Then the starch chains are broken down into individual molecules by glucoamylase witch are then absorbed.

  1. What is “fiber” and why is it important in your diet?
Fiber is important because it is the indigestible carbohydrate polymer from fruits and veggies!!! Also fiber absorbes and makes the toxins become neutral in foods and can be linked to decrease to bone cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

  1. What causes you to pass gas (fart) according to the article?
Ha ha this was weird to read but what causes you to fart is the fermentation of the undigested carbohydrates and protein we eat by the anaerobic microorganisms in out colon

Scroll back up to the top of the carbohydrates article and click on the link in the text to “Low Carbo Madness” and read the linked article. (or click here)

  1. What are some disadvantages of a low-carb diet?
Some disadvantages of a low carb diet is it is hard to stick to ha ha i have tried by the disadvantages are they are ineffective and there are is a rick to cardiovascular disease and a decrease in energy.

Return to the original carbohydrates lesson page and click on the link on the bottom “Carbohydrates and Cavities” and read the linked page.

  1. Describe the role that sugars play in cavity formation in your teeth.

The role sugar plays in cavity formation in your teeth is when you eat carbs they metabolized into acid and the acid wears down the teeth and the enamel over a ling period of time.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Water Lab

The property of water being evaluated is surfaces tension, cohesion- water sticking to its self, adhesion- water sticking to other surfaces. When I experimented with the pennies by dropping water and alcohol the surface of the penny had a fairly large bubble on the surface of the penny. My hypothesis of the penny is having adhesion.

With the wax paper lab I composed the experiment that you CAN NOT cut water in half. Every time I tried to chop it the water would roll over top of my toothpick. So I conclude that water is unchoppable.

During the string lab Im very proud to announce that WE WON with a winning length of 22 feet. This lab took a lot of thinking and I'm glad I figured out how to pour the water properly to it would run down the string perfectly. Im very proud to say WHAT NOW STEVEN AND CHUCK!!!! Getting the water to pour took along time to get to the end beaker. With this lab I learned the properties of water.

Ph Level Lab

In this lab I learned a lot about acid in your stomach. One pay the extra dollar for the brand name antacid like Tums. Second don't eat to much where you have acid reflex. Also the pH level bar was very interesting to research because I didn't know that there was really a bar, but finding out the levels with different antacids was very fun. I defiantly learned some facts about this lab.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Standard 4: Experimental Design

Standard 4: Experimental Design

During my research I have found some very interseting facts. From the Corn expriment and the trials I conducted the corn grows better with low infestation. With the high infestation the kernal yeild was less than with the low infestation. My controlled variable in the first 2 trials is the low infestatin. In my third and forth trial my controlled varible is the is the high infestation. During my expriment I used the super harvest in the first two trials. After using the super harvest I used the low infestation again in the first two trials after the corn machine grew the corn for 140 days. After all the corn was grown ( there were 3 stalks total) I indevudualized each stalk to its own weigh boat. After they were seprate in the weigh boats I weighed them and the results are in the table. I did the same with the third and forth trial. My end results were very diffrent from the first two. My kernals weighed less then compared to the first two trials. The corn lab showed me the importance of staying with ONE controlled variable for each trial. I was very suprised with the end averages.

Trial 1
Trial 2
Super Harvest_ non bt corn
Super Harvest_ non bt corn
ECB Infestation= Low
ECB Infestation= Low
1. 159.1
1. 135.4
2. 155.0
2. 139.6
3. 157.5
3. 179.6
Average: 157.2
Average: 172

Trial 3
Trial 4
Super Harvest_ non bt corn
Super Harvest_ non bt corn
ECB Infestation= high
ECB Infestation= high
1. 135.4
1. 155.1
2. 139.6
2. 163.0
3. 138.3
3. 163.9
Average: 137.766667
Average: 160.666667

My resource and lab work

Scientists engage in many diffrend activites in many diffrent steps and diffrent sequences. Scientific investigators often envolve repeating some of the same steps to gather new information.

The scientific process is based off of theories or hypothesis's and exprimenting. With those theories scientists can conduct expriments and you may have to test them agian.. First you have to gather your information, ideas and data then you can test them throgh expriments. With expriments scientists can find new information and then test those new ideas again. With those you do the finial step which is explore and discover new testing information.

Sciene in socity is now helping with finding new ways to help people by giveing a cure for diseases or a new vaciene. Science has also given us new technology. With out science we wouldn't have what we have today, the new medicine, cell phones, computers etc.. Having science in our life and knowing how science works and what it has done for us is great .

My resources