Remebering: What I did in Biology is:
1.Introduction to Experimental Design
2. Water Properties Blog Post
3. Acid in Your Stomach Lab (pH Lab)
4. Introduction to Macromolecules
5. Carbohydrate ID Lab
6. Biomolecules Concept Map
7. Collagen Webquest
8. Membrane Structure Tutorial
What is important about it:
Each blog was interesting to write and learn whats new in the world of chemistry and just a new insight of the world of chemistry.
I could apply this in everyday life. Biology is very important with what I want to become. I want be become a Nurse so this field of science is essential to medical school.
How I did this 1st quarter I think I did well I kept up with my blogs and kept a steady standard of proficent. So I would say that I did very well for my very first time being in Mr. Ludwigs class.
Next quarter I could put some youtube videos, websites, and just more visual effects to my blogs to give a further explanition of what we are studing.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Membrane Structure
Membrane Structure notes:
Questions from edmodo.
1. What are the three members of the lipid family?
A: Fats, Phospholipids, and Steroids
2.True or False are lipids Hyrophobis
3.True or False unsaturated fatty acids have higher melting points than saturated fatty acids.
A: Fals. Unsaturated fatty acids have a lower melting point than saturated fatty acids.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Macromolecule Concept Map
Here is my concept map!!!
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Collagen Webquest
Proteins are the most diverse class of biological molecules. Most of your body is made up of proteins. Each protein consists of one or more polypeptide chains, in which amino acids are strung together in a specific order. This amino acid sequence or 'primary structure' is the key to the shape and function of the protein. Interactions among different amino acids along the length of the polypeptide chain cause it to coil, bend, and fold into a complex shape. Some proteins consist of two or more polypeptide chains. In many cases, the polypeptide chains form a rounded or globular shape. Most enzymes are like this, as is the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin molecule. In other cases, polypeptide chains form long strands or sheets. These fibrous proteins are often structural components, such as keratin and collagen.
In this activity, you will explore the structure and function of collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body. You will begin by visiting a Protein Data Bank site, where the structure of collagen is described and illustrated in a "Molecule of the Month" feature. Next, you will research the effects of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), a genetic disorder that affects the structure or number of collagen molecules.
Part 1.
Use your browser to go to This site is a Protein Data Bank where you can search for any information about your favorite proteins, including everyone’s favorite, collagen.
Do a search at the very top of the page for collagen, then click on the Molecule of the Month: Collagen link to view the article on collagen.
Read the information and view the graphics. Use this information to answer the following questions:
1. Describe the primary structure of collagen. What are the major amino acid components in collagen? The major components of collagen is 1400 amino acids with every third being glycine. The major components in collagen are glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These three components create the sturdy structure for when they reapeat.
2. What role does vitamin C play in collagen formation? What happens when a person does not get enough vitamin C in his or her diet? The role Vitamin C assists the reaction that takes place with normal proline for it to become hydroxyproline. When you don’t get enough vitamin C in your everyday diet it will result in the slow production of hydroxyproline and therefore the construction of collagen resulting with scurvy. Pirates had scurvy because of not enough Vitamin C there diet.
3. Describe the quaternary structure of collagen (the way in which the polypeptide chains are arranged). The quaternary structure of collagen is three polypeptide chains mixed into a triple helix. In the middle of the helix glycine settles, while an non-common amino acid-proline and its modified to form hydroxyproline witch is pressed tightyly around the structure.
Part 2.
Use your browser to go to the Web site of the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation at
On the left side of the home page, click the link “About OI”, then find the “Facts About OI” section.
Read the material in the sections entitled "Facts on Osteogenesis Imperfecta” and “Types of OI.” Use what you have learned to answer the following questions:
1. What is the main symptom of osteogenesis imperfecta? What are some other symptoms that people with OI may have? The main symptom of osteogenesis imperfecta is fragile bones that crack and fracture easily. Other symptoms that people with OL may experience are muscle weakness, fatigue, joint laxity, hearing loss, short stature, and curved bones.
2. Type I osteogenesis imperfecta causes fewer problems than the other forms. How does the collagen structure in Type I OI differ from that of the other types?
The structure is diffrent because those with type 1 have spontaneous mutation while others have a dominant mutation to one set of collagen genes.
Read the handout (pdf) in the resources section on Bone Structure.
1. Describe the role of collagen in bones. Why do collagen problems lead to bone problems?
The role of collagen in bones is like steel reinforcement in concrete. Minerals such as phosphorus and calcium crystallize around the collagen and provide strength. The collagen in the middle provide the resiliency and flexiblitlity in bone that is needed to withstand trauma or daily uses. Collagen problems lead to bone problems because not having enough collagen or the wrong kind of collagen to be able to provide the bone with flexibility and durability. You are more likely to get more breaks or fractures of the bone.
Proteins are the most diverse class of biological molecules. Most of your body is made up of proteins. Each protein consists of one or more polypeptide chains, in which amino acids are strung together in a specific order. This amino acid sequence or 'primary structure' is the key to the shape and function of the protein. Interactions among different amino acids along the length of the polypeptide chain cause it to coil, bend, and fold into a complex shape. Some proteins consist of two or more polypeptide chains. In many cases, the polypeptide chains form a rounded or globular shape. Most enzymes are like this, as is the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin molecule. In other cases, polypeptide chains form long strands or sheets. These fibrous proteins are often structural components, such as keratin and collagen.
In this activity, you will explore the structure and function of collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body. You will begin by visiting a Protein Data Bank site, where the structure of collagen is described and illustrated in a "Molecule of the Month" feature. Next, you will research the effects of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), a genetic disorder that affects the structure or number of collagen molecules.
Part 1.
Use your browser to go to This site is a Protein Data Bank where you can search for any information about your favorite proteins, including everyone’s favorite, collagen.
Do a search at the very top of the page for collagen, then click on the Molecule of the Month: Collagen link to view the article on collagen.
Read the information and view the graphics. Use this information to answer the following questions:
1. Describe the primary structure of collagen. What are the major amino acid components in collagen? The major components of collagen is 1400 amino acids with every third being glycine. The major components in collagen are glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These three components create the sturdy structure for when they reapeat.
2. What role does vitamin C play in collagen formation? What happens when a person does not get enough vitamin C in his or her diet? The role Vitamin C assists the reaction that takes place with normal proline for it to become hydroxyproline. When you don’t get enough vitamin C in your everyday diet it will result in the slow production of hydroxyproline and therefore the construction of collagen resulting with scurvy. Pirates had scurvy because of not enough Vitamin C there diet.
3. Describe the quaternary structure of collagen (the way in which the polypeptide chains are arranged). The quaternary structure of collagen is three polypeptide chains mixed into a triple helix. In the middle of the helix glycine settles, while an non-common amino acid-proline and its modified to form hydroxyproline witch is pressed tightyly around the structure.
Part 2.
Use your browser to go to the Web site of the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation at
On the left side of the home page, click the link “About OI”, then find the “Facts About OI” section.
Read the material in the sections entitled "Facts on Osteogenesis Imperfecta” and “Types of OI.” Use what you have learned to answer the following questions:
1. What is the main symptom of osteogenesis imperfecta? What are some other symptoms that people with OI may have? The main symptom of osteogenesis imperfecta is fragile bones that crack and fracture easily. Other symptoms that people with OL may experience are muscle weakness, fatigue, joint laxity, hearing loss, short stature, and curved bones.
2. Type I osteogenesis imperfecta causes fewer problems than the other forms. How does the collagen structure in Type I OI differ from that of the other types?
The structure is diffrent because those with type 1 have spontaneous mutation while others have a dominant mutation to one set of collagen genes.
Read the handout (pdf) in the resources section on Bone Structure.
1. Describe the role of collagen in bones. Why do collagen problems lead to bone problems?
The role of collagen in bones is like steel reinforcement in concrete. Minerals such as phosphorus and calcium crystallize around the collagen and provide strength. The collagen in the middle provide the resiliency and flexiblitlity in bone that is needed to withstand trauma or daily uses. Collagen problems lead to bone problems because not having enough collagen or the wrong kind of collagen to be able to provide the bone with flexibility and durability. You are more likely to get more breaks or fractures of the bone.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Carbohydrate I.D. Lab Standard 3
Carbohydrate Identification Lab Analysis Questions
Use your results from the carbohydrate identification lab and any notes or resources about carbohydrates to answer the following questions:
- Name the three categories of carbohydrates studied in this investigation. The three categories of carbohydrates are Monosacrides, Disacrides and Polysacrides
- What three chemical elements are present in all carbohydrates? Three chemical elements present in carbohydrates are Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon.
- Give two examples each of the names of sugar molecules from our discussion or the textbook/online that are:
- Monosaccharides Corn syrup and Green Tea
- Disaccharides Lactose and Maltose
- Polysaccharides Cheerios and Flower
- How many times larger is the number of hydrogen atoms than oxygen atoms in:
- water? Twice the number of oxygen.
- carbohydrates? Twice the number of Carbon and Oxygen
- “Mono” means one, “di” means two, and “poly” means many. Why are these terms used in describing the three types of sugars? They are used to describe the amount of Monosaccharides in the sugars.
- How can you tell by using Benedict’s and iodine solutions if a sugar is a
- Monosaccharide? It had no effect with the iodine but with the Benedict's it changed color.
- Disaccharide? Both solutions will have no effect.
- Polysaccharide? It will have an effect with the Iodine but not with the Benedict's.
- A certain sugar has no change in color when tested with Benedict’s solution.
- Can you tell what type of saccharide it is? It is a Polysaccharide
- Explain. It has no change with the Benedict's but has a change with the Iodine.
- A certain sugar has a color change in Benedict’s solution.
- Can you tell what type of saccharide it is? It is a Monosaccharide
- Explain. With the Benedict's it changed color but with Iodine it did not change color to show that it is a Mono.
- Give a examples of foods that contain
- Monosaccharides Green Tea and Corn Syrup
- Disaccharides Beans and Milk
- Polysaccharides Cheerios
In this we tested different carbohydrates. With each test we asked our selves what food or drink contain mono, di or polysacrids? With the lab we had 2 test's one was a benedicts (Blue) with the blue solution you had to drop the 3 carbs in a testtube in a hot water bath for 3 minutes. The last test was the Iodine test (Brown) didnt need water all you did was drop 2 to 3 drops into each carb and look for the reaction, it should come instantly. With each test we tested 3 carbs one was my green tea from lunch, cheerio water, and corn syrup.
The benedicts solution ( blue) ------------>
<--------------------- Iodine Soultion
Mono, Di and Polymers with benidicts soultion before the hot water bath.
My Carbs in a hot water bath to react with the benedicts solutions. --------------------------->
The result form the hot bath with the benedicts soulution. It was interesting to see that the mono was the reacted one.

With this iodine test the carb that had the reaction is the polymer. It has the darker soultion in the test tube------------------>
<--------------------- Iodine Soultion
My Carbs in a hot water bath to react with the benedicts solutions. --------------------------->
The result form the hot bath with the benedicts soulution. It was interesting to see that the mono was the reacted one.

With this iodine test the carb that had the reaction is the polymer. It has the darker soultion in the test tube------------------>
This is my carb with the green tea, cheerios, and corn syrup. As you can tell the cheerios and corn syrup has reacted.
This is my final test with the benedicts the green tea and cornsyrup were the only carb that reacted.
My Lab results in table form:
This table is from my first expriment with mono. di, and polymers.
+ Positive reaction
No reaction
No reaction
No reaction
No reaction
+ Positive reaction
This table is from my second lab with Geen Tea, Cheerios, and Corn Syrup.
Green Tea
+ Positive reaction
No reaction
No reaction
+ Positive reaction
Corn Syrup
+ Positive reaction
+ Positive reaction
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