Carbohydrate Identification Lab Analysis Questions
Use your results from the carbohydrate identification lab and any notes or resources about carbohydrates to answer the following questions:
- Name the three categories of carbohydrates studied in this investigation. The three categories of carbohydrates are Monosacrides, Disacrides and Polysacrides
- What three chemical elements are present in all carbohydrates? Three chemical elements present in carbohydrates are Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon.
- Give two examples each of the names of sugar molecules from our discussion or the textbook/online that are:
- Monosaccharides Corn syrup and Green Tea
- Disaccharides Lactose and Maltose
- Polysaccharides Cheerios and Flower
- How many times larger is the number of hydrogen atoms than oxygen atoms in:
- water? Twice the number of oxygen.
- carbohydrates? Twice the number of Carbon and Oxygen
- “Mono” means one, “di” means two, and “poly” means many. Why are these terms used in describing the three types of sugars? They are used to describe the amount of Monosaccharides in the sugars.
- How can you tell by using Benedict’s and iodine solutions if a sugar is a
- Monosaccharide? It had no effect with the iodine but with the Benedict's it changed color.
- Disaccharide? Both solutions will have no effect.
- Polysaccharide? It will have an effect with the Iodine but not with the Benedict's.
- A certain sugar has no change in color when tested with Benedict’s solution.
- Can you tell what type of saccharide it is? It is a Polysaccharide
- Explain. It has no change with the Benedict's but has a change with the Iodine.
- A certain sugar has a color change in Benedict’s solution.
- Can you tell what type of saccharide it is? It is a Monosaccharide
- Explain. With the Benedict's it changed color but with Iodine it did not change color to show that it is a Mono.
- Give a examples of foods that contain
- Monosaccharides Green Tea and Corn Syrup
- Disaccharides Beans and Milk
- Polysaccharides Cheerios
In this we tested different carbohydrates. With each test we asked our selves what food or drink contain mono, di or polysacrids? With the lab we had 2 test's one was a benedicts (Blue) with the blue solution you had to drop the 3 carbs in a testtube in a hot water bath for 3 minutes. The last test was the Iodine test (Brown) didnt need water all you did was drop 2 to 3 drops into each carb and look for the reaction, it should come instantly. With each test we tested 3 carbs one was my green tea from lunch, cheerio water, and corn syrup.
The benedicts solution ( blue) ------------>
<--------------------- Iodine Soultion
Mono, Di and Polymers with benidicts soultion before the hot water bath.
My Carbs in a hot water bath to react with the benedicts solutions. --------------------------->
The result form the hot bath with the benedicts soulution. It was interesting to see that the mono was the reacted one.

With this iodine test the carb that had the reaction is the polymer. It has the darker soultion in the test tube------------------>
<--------------------- Iodine Soultion
My Carbs in a hot water bath to react with the benedicts solutions. --------------------------->
The result form the hot bath with the benedicts soulution. It was interesting to see that the mono was the reacted one.

With this iodine test the carb that had the reaction is the polymer. It has the darker soultion in the test tube------------------>
This is my carb with the green tea, cheerios, and corn syrup. As you can tell the cheerios and corn syrup has reacted.
This is my final test with the benedicts the green tea and cornsyrup were the only carb that reacted.
My Lab results in table form:
This table is from my first expriment with mono. di, and polymers.
+ Positive reaction
No reaction
No reaction
No reaction
No reaction
+ Positive reaction
This table is from my second lab with Geen Tea, Cheerios, and Corn Syrup.
Green Tea
+ Positive reaction
No reaction
No reaction
+ Positive reaction
Corn Syrup
+ Positive reaction
+ Positive reaction
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