Monday, March 11, 2013

Eugenics in America

Eugenics??? Long word huh? Well this is much much more than a word. Eugenics was the social movement claiming to improve the genetic features of humans through selective breeding and sterilization.  In simpler terms this is where people world try to stop the bad genes from continuing on. Which is wrong. This is just another version of making the perfect child.
American Eugenics developed after the civil war and the fast growth of the American Industry. Cities started to expand rapidly and this rapid movment created labor union organizations. With everything moving forward in an industrial world and more and more immagrants came forth to work around the time of WW1. "Social Darwinism" had became the way to explain the socal and ecomimic pyramid. This basicly became survival of the fittest at that time. With this in mind scientists had strong faith that there could be a cure-all in human sociey. This problem created move of Eugenics.
Suprisingly many american's supported the study of Euginics becasue everyone wanted that perfect child. People now days are even trying get the perfect child by trying to find the perfect mate some are even going as far as probing the fetus in the womb to give it blue eyes. (which I thing is wrong, babies are gift and shouldn't be poked and prodded.) Eugenics was passed by social society because everyone was seeking acceptance. Expecially now that immagrants are becoming more popular people wanted to keep the "american" cleanse. People thought it was bad to hang around immigrants. Upperclass americans were like the kings the same with middle class they were thought has the "fit" they were the people who were encouraged to have childern they lower class were sterilized because society thought they were unfit.
Now days we have the perfect baby contest who parents set there baby up in a contest where judges judge if they are perfect. This contest is just wrong. Again something that surprises me is parents "changing" their kid in the womb. Picking blonde hair with blue eyes or picking the perfect sperm or egg to have the smartest, prettiest, athletic etc child.

Eugenics is crazy the more you read the more that surprises you. 


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